History of the Sisters of the Holy Family - New Orleans

The Sisters of the Holy Family was founded in 1842 to care for and educate people of color and slaves in pre-Civil War New Orleans. The foundress, Henriette Delille, along with Juliette Gardin and Josephine Charles had to cross many barriers until they were eventually recognized by the church as a religious organization for women of African descent..

The sisters opened orphanages, schools, and one of the oldest care establishments Lafon Nursing facility still operating today.
During its over 175 years of existence, the Sisters of the Holy Family have missions in Louisiana, Texas, and other states throughout the United States; also Belize, Panama, and Africa. Although times have changed and the number of sisters has dwindled in numbers, the continuance of the mission remains at the forefront. For many years, the Sisters of the Holy Family were deemed not worthy to wear habits and veils worn by their white counterparts. In 1876, they were finally allowed to wear their habit publicly. They continue to proudly and consistently wear their habits to this day.
In 1988, the Cause for the Canonization of Henriette Delille, foundress of the Sisters of the Holy Family, was opened and in 2010 Mother Delille was honored with the title Venerable Henriette Delille. As the process for canonization continues, the promotion of devotion to Henriette Delille plays a significant role. Any favors received through her interces
sion should be reported to the Sisters of the Holy Family.
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