Reflections of Discipeship

Sisters in the Spirit of Houston
St. Benedict the Abbot Catholic Church
By Parish Contact, Barbara Brandyberg

SIS Geneva Charles serves as a member of SIS Courtesy Committee, serves at St. Benedict as Eucharist Minister at Mass and to the Sick, Proclaimer, Ushers Lead, President of St. Benedict Senior Club, who plans fundraisers and invites Speakers to teach and encourage Seniors, Coordinates Repasts for funerals, Member of Knights of Peter Claver Ladies Auxiliary Court #248, a KPC Fourth Degree member and member of Drexel Society, Member and Treasurer of Catholic Daughters of the Americas Court #2707.

SIS Dorothy Allen is an SIS Board Member (Assistant Secretary of Technology) and Website Webmaster. Assistant to Deacon David Johnson in St. Benedict’s CCE Office in preparing candidates for Sacraments of Baptism, Holy Communion and Confirmation. She is the developer and webmaster of St. Benedict the Abbot Website. She is Secretary of the Senior Club, Recording Secretary of Knights of Peter Claver Ladies Auxiliary Court #248, a KPC Fourth Degree member and member of Drexel Society, Member of the St. Benedict Gospel Choir and CAAM Choir, Member and Newsletter Editor for Catholic Daughters of the Americas Court #2707 and a St. Benedict Eucharist Minister to the Sick and Shut-in.

SIS Shirley Hall is a member of Knights of Peter Claver Ladies Auxiliary Court #248 and Community Outreach Committee Chairperson, she represents Court 248 at HICC and is a member of the Drexel Society. She is a member of St. Benedict’s Seniors Club and serves as Co-Chair of the Seniors Religious. Committee.

SIS Ruby Cleveland is an avid supporter of SIS activities, attends Daily English Mass at St. Benedict’s Parish snd serve as Eucharist Minister and Sacristan. She serves as a Eucharist Minister to Sick and Shut-in weekly, leads the Rosary before Mass on Saturdays, prepares the altar for Benediction and leads the visitors in prayer before Eucharist Adoration. She is President of the Legion of Mary and Lady of Prayer for KPC Ladies Auxiliary Court #248.

SIS Barbara Brandyberg is the SIS St. Benedict Parish Contact, Leader of St. Benedict’s English Speaking Eucharist Ministers to the Sick and Shut-in and serves the Sick on Sundays, Member of Gospel Choir and CAAM Choir, Vice-Regent of Court #2707 Catholic Daughters of the Americas, Coordinator of CDA Devotional with Rosary on Mondays, Member of Knights of Peter Claver Ladies Auxiliary Court #248, Chairperson of the Courtesy Committee and Coordinator of Prayer Session with Rosary on Fridays and Auxiliary member of Legion of Mary.

John 13:34-35 “A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. 35  By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.”